Bobbie Geal The 2nd of Dùn Airchill 8720
"Little Bobbie"
DOB: 08/10/2018
Colour: White
Sire: Ghost of Cawdor 6818
2019 Brighton Agricultural Show -
- Junior and Grand Champion Highland Bull
- Reserve Champion Junior Interbreed Bull
2019 Royal Hobart Show -
- Junior and Grand Champion Highland Bull
- Supreme Highland Exhibit
Bobbie Geal The 2nd of Dùn Airchill - SHOW HIGHLIGHTS
Bobbie Geal The 2nd of Dùn Airchill
Watch this space for Little Bobbie's first calves....
Progeny of Bobbie Geal The 2nd of Dùn Airchill
Craggy Island Highlands
Tasmania, Australia