Craggy Island Highlands
Tasmania, Australia
Online Social Media and Sharing Sites
Highland Cattle Breeders Group (International, hosted in Australia)
Cross Breeding Highland Cattle (International, hosted in Australia)
The Virtual Highland Cattle Show (International)
The information provided on the Craggy Island Highlands, Eilean Creagach Highland Cattle, and Craggy Island web sites may be of interest or assistance to you but neither the web site nor domain owners guarantee that the published content is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or consequence which may arise from you relying on any information published within these web sites.
Furthermore, the sites linked on this website do not necessarily express the views of Craggy Island Highlands, nor do we take any responsibility for linked pages or their contents.
Useful Resources
Highland Cattle Tasmania website
The information available from experienced Highland breeders is invaluable.
We have particularly found the following breeder web sites to be of great assistance in establishing our Highland fold:
LEA-White Farms Registered Highland Cattle (US)